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Artificial Intelligence training and workshop for academics
Woman Studying

Computer and technology courses for marginalised women 

"If you want to help someone, teach them how to fish, so they can be indecent and self confident"

VOW organises multicultural/lingual group in which women can learn to use the different free features of their phones and computers, to help them improve their daily lives. This group allows women to feel more connected to a group in which learning and advancing is their priority. 

The groups are organised regularly and will restart after COVID19 measures are less strict. 

Computer Class

Coding courses for all teenagers, specially immigrants and refugees.


Nowadays, as our digital world is growing there is a growing demand for coders. That is why coding is becoming an essential part of our vocational education system.


The language of coding does not need very strong linguistic skills, it allows migrant youth to learn without language barrier; promising them a productive job while learning the host countries language. 

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Voices Of The World

Numéro d'enregistrement de association sans but lucratif: BE0673.578.787

Rue de Stassart 109, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique

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