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Python Without Borders

VET Training for migrants & adult educators​

Project 2023-1-BE02-KA210-VET-000152381

At GC Elzenhof Av. de la Couronne 12, 1050 Ixelles Daily 10:00-17:00 | 20€ Registration Fee

At Ingenious Knowledge Friedrich-Karl-Straße 200, 50735 Köln Daily 10:00-17:00 | 20€ Registration Fee

This project aims to bridge the gap between the high demand for coders in Europe and the difficulty refugees and immigrants have finding jobs due to language barriers and other challenges.


The project will provide free online and offline resources to teach refugees and immigrants how to code in Python, a programming language that is in high demand. The resources will include in-person trainings, translated videos, and an ebook. By learning to code, refugees and immigrants will gain valuable skills that can help them find better jobs, improve their language skills, and become more integrated into their new communities.

Project Partners
Ingenious Knowledge_Orange.png

Ingenious Knowledge GmbH is an SME and innovator in education on several levels. The company was founded in 2010 in Cologne, Germany, and has been working in close cooperation with education institutions, such as universities and schools, in order to develop new educational approaches. Its central focus is creating a new generation of education solutions with a focus on 'serious games'. Ingenious Knowledge believes that new generations grow up in a different world that requires new approaches to education. The company is constantly exploring new ways of using modern technology to improve the lifelong learning environment and make learning more accessible and more fun.


Day 1


   - Installing Python and setting up the environment
   - Running Python scripts
   - Python syntax and basic commands

Variables and Data Types
   - Variables: Definition and usage
   - Data types: Integers, Floats, Strings, Booleans
   - Basic operations with data types

Basic Input and Output
   - `print()` function
   - Getting user input with `input()`

Control Structures
   - Conditional statements: `if`, `elif`, `else`
   - Loops: `for`, `while`

Hands-on Exercises
   - Simple calculations and basic decision-making problems


Day 3

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Day 5

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Day 2

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Day 4

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Project Outcomes

In person trainings held for refugees/immigrants in partner countries along with course materials.

Watching Video Lecture

Videos with translation in migrant majority languages: translated and subtitled in the most frequently spoken languages among migrants in Europe (including: German, Arabic, Ukrainian, Russian, Persian/Dari, Turkish).

eBook Reader

Ebook for individuals and institutions that work with refugees and immigrants. The outcome will be adapted and improved in a one week intensive training to a group of refugee/immigrants in which we create a more tailored course suitable to their linguistic and educational background.

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Voices Of The World

Registered non profit organisation number: BE0673.578.787

Rue de Stassart 109, 1050 Brussels/Belgium

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